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GENTS Camp SA Father & Sons

Program and Philosophy

Common Questions:

Can I bring more than one son (if aged 8-12yrs)?

Definitely! Just bring a bigger tent and more food.


Can I bring a boy who is not my son?

Yes! Boys with absent fathers desperately need other good men to step in. Contact the camp coordinator for a permission form for this boys mother/guardian to sign.


What do I need to bring?

We are camping, so generally a tent/caravan and camping 'stuff'. Upon registration general info will be e-mailed to you. Two weeks before camp, all details will be e-mailed. 

Gents F and S Program 2021_online.jpg

Scripture Union Australia: 14 Adele Ave, Kidman Park, 5025​   ph: 08 8235 9500   fax: 08 8353 6400

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